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Working for others is not for me

Writer's picture: D2K PrimeD2K Prime

This weekend I was feeling really down because my job is just not the place for me. I'm thankful and grateful to have one, but I cannot ignore the damage and toll it is taking on me physically, mentally, and emotionally.

One thing I have learned about myself in these past two years is that I can't continue to work for others anymore. Every fiber of my very being is screaming that it is WRONG. The only time that I feel like a human being, or feel like this is what I was created to do and I feel at perfect peace is when I am creating. However, like I said, this weekend just dealing with SPECTACULAR BS on my job (I mean, you wouldn't believe me if I told you half of what goes on there,) just left me feeling angry, sad, alone, and hopeless. Just seeing the rapid degradation of the human condition and being trapped in an environment that is literally cultivating it is hard for me to handle.

So, this morning I prayed to God for Him to help me. Just a simple, straightforward prayer. After that, I went to Reddit. Sometimes I go to Reddit posts to see if others share similar sentiments. I was looking for posts where people are talking about how they can't work for others anymore. Basically feeling "trapped" in regular employment. Not that there is anything wrong with regular employment because it is certainly necessary. It's just that some of us were not built for that, and were designed to do more. MUCH more.

Many people in the thread talked about how entrepreneurship has increased the quality of their lives. However, one person talked about how entrepreneurship is also a "trap" because of the fear of failure. This was my response to that person......

~ Fear of "failure" and fear of "termination" are interchangeable. If I CHOOSE to be afraid at all, I'd rather "fail" on my own with my head held high knowing I gave it my all than to lose my job after giving it my all due to someone else's "failure" in leadership.

However, as I said, fear is a CHOICE. Nothing in this life worth while is without risk. Business, careers, relationships, even amusement and fun. The larger risks you take, the larger rewards. Focus on what can go RIGHT instead of focusing on what can go WRONG. Do the best that you can in whatever your calling is, and trust God to handle the rest. You'll be alright. ~

I didn't even think about what I was going to say. I just started typing and that came out. I think that was God's way to answering my prayer. While I was leaving a comment to be helpful to others, God spoke to ME through that comment. It was exactly what I needed to hear at that moment. I felt better IMMEDIATELY after I typed that response to that person in the Reddit thread. That's how God works. He wasn't kidding when He said "I will NEVER leave you, nor forsake you." He doesn't, and He won't.

Entrepreneurship IS hard. VERY hard. However, so is working a 9-5 job that is run like a 3-ring circus complete with clowns AND animals. The only difference is, one you pay to see and it is entertaining. The other pays you money, but it is NOT entertaining and it robs you of your energy and your spirit.

I choose NOT to be afraid of failure. The road to success is not a straight line. Success is not even a static definition. Success means different things to different people. I choose to focus on the positives and what I can do to improve my situation. I choose to be non-linear, and to be unconventional. That has ALWAYS worked for me in my life. I choose to.......

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