I really wished that Nintendo would hurry up and announce the Switch successor because some Nintendo fans are becoming totally insufferable.It is getting VERY annoying seeing all these so-called "leaks" based on rumors, speculation, and interpretation of designs that may or may not be finalized, or may or may not even be true in the first place.It is getting annoying listening to people stand on rumor and innuendo as the Gospel-truth, or their own opinions as FACT. People are getting into heated arguments based on information that could literally be 100% FALSE. It's not that serious. No one is going to give you a cookie if you are correct. The thing that is really a rock in my shoe right now is the arguments of the alleged name of the Switch successor. Many people accepted that it will be called "Switch 2." It doesn't take a lot of brain-power to come up with a name like that, so I don't know why people are carrying on like they just discovered gold.You have various people that don't have any proof of credentials connected to Nintendo claiming that this is the final name of the console. Who knows? It might very well be.The name doesn't bother me. If the console is weak-sauce I'm personally not gonna bother with the thing anyway, but "Switch 2" is a simple and effective name. Here are some pros and cons.Pros:1. If Nintendo is planning to stick with the hybrid-format permanently, it makes sense to stick with the "Switch" brand-name. When people hear the name "iPhone," they automatically know what it is and what it does even if they don't have one. "Switch" is the same way IMO. Everyone knows what the Switch is and what it does. It would be foolish to abandon that and have to start all over again building a new brand.2.It's easier to distinguish the predecessor from the successor by using sequential numbers, e.g. PlayStation 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. 3. From a design standpoint it will be easy to just slap a number "2" somewhere on the current Nintendo Switch logo and be done with it.Cons:
1. The only console that uses the sequential numbering model is Sony, but each iteration of the PlayStation was a generational-leap over the previous one. Based on what Nintendo has said, and based on the RUMORED specs, the Switch successor will NOT be a generational-leap in performance. Seeing the name "Switch 2" may cause the casual-consumer (not the core gamer) to expect something that the hardware doesn't provide.
2. As I mentioned earlier, when you have a successful brand the consumer base expects certain things just based on the name of that brand. Using iPhone as an example once again, lots of people have iPhones and they are numbered sequentially. There are people that upgrade to the newest iPhone as soon as it is released, but there are many people that have an iPhone that do not. If my current iPhone does everything that new one does and does everything that I need it to do, but the new one is just a bit more powerful, why do I need a new iPhone? I don't......so the "need" becomes a "want." The Switch got to where it is being a "need." I "need" a device that I can play on my TV and then take with me on the go and there is nothing else on the market (at that time) that does that. That's why I "need" the Switch. Now, in addition to numerous other hybrid-devices out there that do more and are more powerful, if I am currently happy with my Switch and it does everything I need it to do, why do I need a new one if it's not doing anything different that the one I have? If it does do something different, "Switch 2" doesn't tell the casual consumer what that is........necessarily...........depending on if certain rumors turn out to be true about a possible dual-screen. Now in all fairness I don't think it'll be that complicated. I'm just throwing out reasons for and against the name "Switch2." Like I said, if it's called that, I'm cool with it. I just think people need to understand that Nintendo does not conform to what you are I think makes sense. Historically, Nintendo names their console based on what the hook or "gimmick" is. If the name turns out to be "Switch 2," there is a REASON for that, and I doubt succession is that reason.